How to Save Holiday Receipts, Warranties and Find Lost Manuals

a box of reciepts - lost manuals
a box of reciepts - lost manuals

While the garbage bags full of wrapping paper, and possibly some manuals, are already on the curb, we want to help you make sure that you never lose another receipt, warranty or manual from your holiday shopping haul ever again.

How? The first step is to sign up for an Evernote account if you don't already have one. Once you have an Evernote account, log in and create a folder called "Holiday 2010," which is where you'll keep all of the important information for the gifts you've received.

Since almost any warranty will require a receipt or a gift receipt, the next thing you need to do is scan or take pictures of all your receipts and warranty info as well as the actual items. Type in the name of the item as the note title and save the note.
