FrontierVille Gingerbread Man Goals: Everything you need to know

Building the Gingerbread Man a Home
Building the Gingerbread Man a Home

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If you thought you were done with the scrumptious-looking Gingerbread House in FrontierVille, think again. As it turns out, the Gingerbread Man's stay on the homestead is part of a series of three Goals starting with "Building the Gingerbread Man a Home." And if you followed our guide on how to build it, you've already got the hardest part of this Goal out of the way.

As for the other two requirements, you've been asked to plant five Fruit Trees. This means that you can plant five fruit-bearing trees of any kind to fulfill this portion of the Goal. So, if you're living on the cheap, just go with five Cherry Trees. That will only cost you a total of 3,100 coins and will be ready harvest in the least amount of time, which leads us to the final requirement. All you need to do is harvest or water 20 fruit trees on your homestead. If you don't have 20 trees already, this will take some extra cash and time, but for those with bigger homesteads this should be easy pickings. Enjoy the 150 XP, 250 coins and Light Snack as a reward for your hard work.

Find out how to best complete Part II and III of the Gingerbread Man Goals after the break.
