Grandparents Beware: This Scam Is for You

grandchild and grandparent hand and computer - grandparent scam
grandchild and grandparent hand and computer - grandparent scam

Sandra Feldman was sure it was her grandson, Graham, on the phone. He said he was in Spain. And he was in trouble.

It was 9 a.m. and Feldman, 75, who lives in Chicago, knew her grandson should be at school in Colorado. But he said he'd jumped on a flight with a friend who'd won plane tickets. Trouble started when they rented a car with some fellow students. Police pulled them over and found marijuana in the car and now Graham was in jail. He needed $2,800 cash for an attorney from the American Embassy.

Of course, Feldman said, she'd send the money. That's when someone from the Embassy got on and told her where to send the money, and where to call with the confirmation number.

"They told me just to say that I was sending 'spending money' if anyone from Western Union asked what it was for," said Feldman.
