Fun Stocking Stuffers For Everyone At The Dollar Store

Stocking stuffers for everyone at the dollar store
Stocking stuffers for everyone at the dollar store

The last minute scramble is on. Maybe you have one last gift to get or the rest of the Christmas groceries to buy. And then, of course, there are the stockings to stuff. If you're like me, you tend to pick up the odd thing here and there while you're shopping for the bigger gifts, but now it's time to finish the job. There are lots of fun stocking stuffers for everyone at the dollar store. Here's a sampling.

Candy -- It doesn't matter how old you are, candy is still dandy. Large peppermint sticks, small packs of Hersey's kisses or marshmallow snowmen, a tin gingerbread house filled with candy that's also a coin bank, Kinder eggs; there are lots of fun eats for kids and adults alike at the dollar store. And don't forget to add a package of their favorite gum.
