CityVille: New Buildings and Decorations usher in the Holiday season


If you thought that Zynga's CityVille was simply too new of a game to receive Holiday themed items this December, well, think again. There are now six new items available to purchase from the game's store: two businesses, one animal, and three decorative items. The only catch is that they all cost City Cash, so I hope you haven't splurged on too many things before now.

You can find all of these items by heading into the game's store, and then clicking on the blue "New" icon at the far left of the store's top menu.

Here's a full list of all of the newly added items, along with their prices and other details:

Seasonal Clothing Store - 20 City Cash - Requires 80 supplies; earns 368 coins
Hot Cocoa Shop - 15 City Cash - Requires 100 supplies; earns 441 coins
St Bernard - 5 City Cash
Gingerbread Man - 2 City Cash
Lawn Carolers - 10 City Cash
Mall Santa - 30 City Cash

It should be noted that the coins listed next to each business are their default payouts. If you add decorations around these buildings, their payouts will increase accordingly.

Also, while none of these items are marked as being limited edition, it's unusual for Zynga to leave seasonal items in a game after the holiday season concludes, so it might be a good idea to purchase these items while you know they will still be available (that is, before December 25) to be safe.

[Image Credit: Zynga]

Check out the rest of our Holiday 2010 coverage right here.

Which of these items do you like the most? Will you purchase any of them for use in your city, or are you saving your City Cash for something else? Let us know in the comments.
