FarmVille Snowman / Snowball Fight: Everything you need to know


Recently, we showed you some leaked images from FarmVille's as-of-then unreleased Snowman and Snowball Fight activities that would be coming to FarmVille this holiday season. Well, the time is now for these features to go live, as the Snowman and Snowball Fight features have now begun rolling out to users across the game.

You'll know that this feature has launched in your game when you visit your farm and see the large pop-up like the one above. This lets you know the basics of the feature - you'll be able to visit your friends' farms and start a snowball fight with them. When your friend retaliates (throws a snowball back), those snowballs will start to form enough of a mound for you to build your own Magical Snowman.

For all of the details concerning this new event, meet us behind the break.
