FarmVille Sneak Peek: Snowball Fight, New Years Invite Icons and more

Snowball Fight Hit
Snowball Fight Hit Other
Snowball Fight Taunt
New Years Invite
Reindeer Mugshot

It looks like the folks at FarmVille Freak are working as hard as we are this holiday season to bring you the latest in holiday news from the farm. In its latest round of unreleased items in FarmVille, the team has found some icons that surely help give us a better idea of what the imminent Snowball Fight might be like as well as the New Year's Eve Party.

It seems that the Snowball Fight will be much like gifting expect with much less unwrapping and much more of the cold stuff in players' faces. It looks as if you'll be able to "send" throws to one another with the recipient given the option to send back, but that's not all. You will also be able to send your friends taunts to get them to throw more snow at you, which we imagine will be to help grow your pile of snow for that incoming Snowman feature. We also see what the New Year's Eve invites will look like, which could be part of building the yet-to-be-released Party Barn.

Seasons Greetings Game Card
Seasons Greetings Game Card

While the new Seasons Greetings virtual Game Card from Zynga is self-explanatory, there is one peculiar unreleased icon that we just can't point our fingers on as to what it means, the Reindeer Mugshot. Could this be yet another unreleased feature or part of the incoming snow-related events? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Unless, of course, FarmVille Freak works its magic ahead of time and grabs some more unreleased content for us to drool over. Until then, you just make sure you have enough room on the farm for all these incoming items.

Check out the rest of our Holiday 2010 coverage right here.

What do you think the mysterious Reindeer Mugshot icon means? Do these unreleased event icons get you psyched for what's to come? Speak up in the comments. Add Comment.
