FarmVille Mystery Game (12/12/10): Red & green items for the holidays!


It's Sunday, and during the holiday season in FarmVille, that means update time. Tonight's update sees the expiration of the former Mystery Game, and the launching of another. In keeping with the Holiday Season, which is now in full swing, this week's Mystery Game contains a series of red and green items. Not only are these items red and green, but of course they go with the holiday theme to boot - aren't we so lucky!

This week's Mystery Game brings us back to the standard price of 16 Farm Cash per dart, if you'd like to take a chance at receiving one of this week's prizes. The confirmed prizes in this week's Mystery Game are:

Holiday Sleigh
Winter Bridge
Holiday Dining Table
Elf Pig
Red Panda

Some of you may recognize the names of some of these items, as we've given you FarmVille Sneak Peeks of them in the past (most recently the Elf Pig, which we first brought you a look at just yesterday).

This week's Mystery Game will be active until next Sunday, when presumably another installment, filled with another set of exclusive items (that is, found only in the Mystery Game) will be made available. Check back with us then to see what's inside!

Check out the rest of our Holiday 2010 coverage right here.

What do you think of this week's Mystery Game contents? Will you spend 16 Farm Cash to potentially add some of these items to your farm? Let us know in the comments.
