FarmVille Holiday Avatar Costumes: Elf, Miss Santa, Penguin, Teddy Bears, & Ski Bunny


If you aren't satisfied with your avatar's current wardrobe in FarmVille, and want to make your farmer look a bit more seasonal, tonight's FarmVille update will allow you to do just that, with six (yes, six!) new options available to make your avatar as cute as can be through the holiday season and beyond.

The six new options all have something to do with either the Winter Holidays or just winter in general, but they interestingly come with a variety of expiration dates and even prices. Here are the list of newly available costumes:

Elf - 15 Farm Cash
Miss Santa - 15 Farm Cash
Penguin - 5 Farm Cash
Cream Teddy Bear - 5 Farm Cash
Tan Teddy Bear - 5 Farm Cash
Ski Bunny - 15 Farm Cash

As for how long they'll be available in the store, the Elf, Miss Santa, and Penguin costumes will expire from the store in just 12 days, while the two teddy bear options will be available for 19 days. The Ski Bunny costume will be available long after the holidays have passed (presumably due to the fact that it isn't exactly a holiday item), with an expiration date of 35 days from now.

Depending on the costume you purchase, you'll earn either 175 experience points or 525 experience points for purchasing one of these costumes - obviously the more the costume costs, the more experience points you'll earn.

I don't know about the rest of you, but some of these costumes are just too cute to bear (Get it? Bear? Bear costumes? Sorry...). I've already made my avatar look like the cutest little Penguin, and I think I'll go back for more costumes before everything is said and done. Will you join me?

Check out the rest of our Holiday 2010 coverage right here.

Which of these costumes will you purchase for your in-game avatar? Wish there were other holiday-themed costumes available as well? Let us know which ones in the comments!
