Free Zynga Cash Round-Up: Earn free premium currency in Cafe World, PetVille, & FarmVille


Everybody loves free stuff, right? After all, who wouldn't love receiving something for free, if it means being able to splurge on a little something in three of Zynga's games: Cafe World, PetVille, and FarmVille.

This brings us to the topic at hand, where we've accumulated a round-up of sorts, detailing the current promotions in those three games, allowing you to earn a bit of extra premium currency for use either immediately, or at a later date. Note: One of these promotions will actually require you to spend money, but we've detailed why we believe it's worth it in the end (hint: you'll make much more than you spend).

For details on how to earn 4 free Pet Cash in PetVille, 150 Cafe Cash in Cafe World, and 100 Farm Cash in FarmVille, meet us behind the break.
