Spa Week Pays 10% Sales Commission to Facebook Users

three ladies at the spa - Spa week Facebook
three ladies at the spa - Spa week Facebook

Spa Week has mobilized a gigantic sales force for the holidays -- Facebook members. In a move that is sure to be analyzed by other online service sites, Spa Week is offering a 10% sales commission for those who generate purchases of Spa Week gift cards through Facebook.

All that is required of "sellers" is that they update their status on Facebook to "like" Spa Week, which automatically generates a Facebook sales message for Spa Week gift cards. If a recipient clicks on the link and buys a Spa Week gift card, a tracking program tallies the sale and Spa Week then places 10% of the amount (or about $8 a sale) in your designated PayPal account. The $100-value cards are being sold at a discounted $79.99, meaning that anyone who logs 10 sales with a 10% cut will earn $79.99. Click here for registration details.
