$13 Billion Kosher Market: Getting In


The $13 billion kosher market keeps growing, reports marketing firmLubicom.

One reason why is that kosher is expanding beyond its traditional Jewish consumers. What's behind this growth? Well, the procedures required for food to be certified as 'kosher' appeal to some who associate this with superior quality. Also, there is traditional kosher cuisine such as matzo ball soup which has gone mainstream.

If you are already in some segment of the food business, you may be thinking of serving or selling kosher food. How do you do this? Well, it might be also be on other minds because Bloomberg Businessweek covered that territory.

Well, here are the basics.

Kosher label. Food can be labeled 'kosher' only by a certification member of the 'mashgiach' business. That in itself is big business. The number of those agencies have grown from 18 three decades ago to 1063 around the world today. You have to arrange to buy through them. Every year they have a trade show Kosherfest in Secaucus, New Jersey, in October.

Knowledge. Customers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, expect you to understand what differentiates kosher from non-kosher and what are its ingredients, taste experiences, and even calorie, fat, and sugar count.

Promotion. Each food segment has its own ethos. Understand how to position kosher for both Jewish and non-Jewish consumers.

Respect. As you notice both among the upper crust and pop culture, food has taken on almost a mystical quality. It's no different for kosher. Those purchasing kosher assume you have a reverence for the product. Show that respect, ranging from how you shelf in retail to how you discuss menu options in restaurants.
