PSA: FarmVille is addicting and will damage your brain [video]


In this video an endearing little boy attempts to explain (rather comically) why FarmVille is addictive. You heard right, this kid believes that Zynga is evil and that FarmVille is addictive because it has 65 million active users. He also mentions that the only thing you can do in the game is raise animals, so it's clear he hasn't played the game too much. He recommends that anyone who supports his cause contact "1-800-Let's stop 65 million people from getting brain damaged by playing FarmVille".

It's all in good fun, of course, but many social game players get annoyed when the media and their friends are constantly accusing them of being addicted. Can't we just play these games because they're a fun way to pass the time? Not everyone is addicted just because they enjoy playing.

Do you think you're FarmVille is damaging your brain? Sound off in the comments. Add comment.
