Homebuyers: Afraid of Buying a House?


Homebuyers Sheryl and John Jones (not their real names) are afraid to buy a new house. The Joneses live in a cozy Dallas duplex only five minutes from the hospital where John practices medicine, working for a large anesthesia physician group.

John loves his job, loves his salary, but doesn't feel he and has enough job security to buy a house. Insurance reimbursements to physicians are declining, he says, and Medicare reimbursements are a month by month patch. His wife has an MBA and is currently working for Neiman Marcus in downtown Dallas. The Jones want to grow their family and need more space -- a bigger yard and more closets. Interest rates are low and Dallas home prices are the most reasonable they've been in years. But the Jones are not budging. Why?

"There's too much uncertainty," says Sheryl. In fact, she is so concerned with her job working for a luxury retailer the couple asked us not to print their real names.
