FrontierVille Level Cap increases to 150, but not without a hitch

Level Up Glitch
Level Up Glitch

Hold your applause, please. Zynga announced today that the Level Cap in FrontierVille has been raised to 150. This will allow players to advance even further in the game to obscene levels. Unfortunately, veteran pioneers everywhere are experiencing issues when leveling up past 100. The most common of these issues is Frontier Jack presenting players with acongratulatory server sync error, forcing them to refresh their pages. Upon reentering, their progress has been deleted up to just before the final experience points required to level up.

And then it happens again and again, thus crippling their game to a FrontierVille rendition of Groundhog Day. Well, except with less Bill Murray and more frustration. The Zynga community team is reportedly on the case, according to a prompt forum post, but it's uncertain when this issue will be fixed. So, welcome to Level 100, pioneer pros, and enjoy your stay--it might be a long one. Now, here's something to look forward to: you'll need to accumulate 5 million XP to reach Level 150 from Level 100, according to FrontierVille Wiki. How's that for hardcore?

Have any of you experienced the current level-up glitch? If not, why not give your fellow frontier folk a hand and tip us off to how you dodged it. Speak up in the comments. Add Comment.
