First Facebook-connected Nintendo DS game: TouchMaster: Connect

Dodge Bull
Dodge Bull

It's finally time to get social on two screens. Publisher Warner Bros. and developer Double Tap Games announced today that TouchMaster: Connect, the first Nintendo DS to feature social media integration, is available in the U.K. for £19.99. The game is a collection several ports from the immensely popular--if you can remember them-- Megatouch touchscreen systems you lushes have surely seen in the corner of many a bar counter courtesy of AMI Entertainment Network.

Players can post their highest scores from 20 recognizable bar and restaurant touch games like Tricky Fish, Dodge Bull (pictured) and Super Boxxi to Facebook and Twitter through the DS' Nintendo WiFi Connection. You'll be able to create a gamer profile with which you can link both your Facebook and Twitter accounts to share your scores and achievement badges to all of your Internet friends. In addition to competing via social networks, you can test your stylus-smashing might against players across the globe in online leaderboards. And on the local level, players can share select games with friends who don't own the TouchMaster: Connect through DS Download Play and "System Swap" multiplayer.

While we've heard mention of Nintendo's social goals for its Nintendo 3DS already, it's surprising developers have found a way to squeeze social network connection into the DS' older models.

Considering AMI's touchscreens are in nearly every bar I've ever been to (not to say that number is astronomical...), you can almost bet your next beer that TouchMaster: Connect will arrive in the U.S. In fact, it releases tomorrow. Just don't bring your DS to the bar unless you're not trying to take anyone home that night.

Will you be picking up TouchMaster: Connect for the social features? Do you think this marks a distinct future for Nintendo's handheld games? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
