FarmVille attempts to lure back AWOL players with 20 free Farm Cash

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farmville free farm cash for fallen farmers

FarmVille, which was once 80 million monthly players strong is now down to 53 million players and, according to AppData, the downward trend continues month over month. So it's no surprise to see FarmVille offering 20 Farm Cash to get no-show farmers back to their virtual fields.

FarmVille isn't the only game begging former players to return. V

pet society pet misses you
pet society pet misses you

irtual cash incentives seem to be coming in fast and hard these days. In fact, I just got one today from Pet Society offering me 1,000 coins to pay attention to my virtual pet Nano, who is most likely is wearing a pouty face while flies circle her head. Ah, the guilt of neglect.

Of course, the question is -- do these offers actually get people to come back? My guess is that it largely depends on the offer. Twenty Farm Cash is pretty hard to resist, and I'm sure I'd at least click that once time to claim the cash... just to have it. One thousand Pet Society coins? Hm, I can take it or leave it.

[Via FarmVille Freak]

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