Debt-Free Holidays: Seven Budget-Savvy Card and Invitation Ideas

Woman writes out Christmas cards
Woman writes out Christmas cards

It's terrific having a colorful array of holiday cards on your mantel or taped around the door frame to remind you of friends and loved ones near and far. But actually sending all those cards? That can put quite a crimp in your holiday budget. According to the National Retail Federation, each of us is going to spend an average of $26.10 on cards and postage this year. That's down from $29.76 in 2009, an indication that Americans are still tightening their belts in lean times.

However, not wanting to spend a lot on holiday greetings doesn't make you a Scrooge; there are still ways to spread some holiday cheer without busting your budget. WalletPop team members and experts weigh in with savvy tips and tricks to keep from spending a lot of green on your greetings.
