Soft Porn (Creating Fantasies) Great Niche If You Are Confident, Legal Savvy


Soft porn is a niche confident Ivy League School graduates as well as risk-takers like Madonna enter. And to play in this sandbox you also have to know how to stay within the law.

Defined broadly, "soft porn" is a type of escapism that deviates just enough from reality to attract even mainstream audiences and does that with an erotic touch. Investment expert Jane Bryant Quinn describes many traditional wealth advice magazines such as Worth as a type of "soft porn." Quinn says the test for soft porn is how the contents lifts readers into a comfortable zone of fanstasy.

In a sense, Martha Stewart creates that same fantasy world with the kinds of cooking and interior decorating the average woman could do but doesn't want to or can't spend the time doing. Yes, that whipped sweet potato pie with homemade crust can be total soft porn.

How to start creating fantasies? You have to understand what human beings, or at least those you're targeting as your market, really yearn to experience. Listen. Then figure out how to depict the fulfillment of that fantasy. It could be as basic as a new dessert or a mini-series you air on YouTube.
