PetVille: Decorate for the Holiday season with new Season's Greetings collection


If you've been waiting for the Holiday celebration to begin in PetVille, then wait no longer, as Zynga has released what we believe will just be the first of many waves of holiday items in the game.

This first set of items is for decorating the great outdoors. You can pick up a themed wallpaper and flooring (trees and the ground are covered in fluffy white snow), light posts, Winter Cottage buildings, light fixtures (yard ornaments like lighted snow-flakes and trees), decorated Christmas trees, strings of lights, groups of snow covered evergreen trees, a series of adorable snowmen, strands of lights, and more.

Most of the items in this set cost Pet Cash, so I hope you've been saving some in anticipation for such an item release. As of this writing, the Season's Greetings item theme only extends to the outdoor store, but we're guessing it's only a matter of time before the theme explodes into the Furniture, Clothing, and even functional stores as well. We'll be sure to let you know if and when this is the case.

Check out the rest of our Holiday 2010 coverage right here.

Will you deck out your PetVille back yard for the holiday season, or are you saving your coins and Pet Cash for other items that might be released in the future?
