Bejeweled Blitz Fan Appreciation Days: Black Friday in disguise

Fan Appreciation Day
Fan Appreciation Day

If you can keep your filthy cursor off of those shiny gems for just a minute (it's addictive, we know), you would notice that PopCap has decided to honor its Bejeweled Blitz fans by having Happy Hour all weekend starting today. Coincidentally (right...), today also happens to be the most insane shopping day of the year, Black Friday. With that, we're going to call this weekend's deals Black Friday in disguise.

Sign in today and you'll be treated to amazing deals on coins. Every coin package is half-off all day long, which means you get coins for:

  • 200,000 coins: 15 Facebook Credits ($1.50)

  • 500,000 coins: 30 Facebook Credits ($3)

  • 1,000,000 coins: 45 Facebook Credits ($4.50)

On top of insanely low prices on huge amounts of coins, every purchase comes with a free 2x point multiplier. It looks like scores are going to soar this weekend and on the cheap at that.

Have you taken advantage of this sale? How many coins are you going to pick up? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
