New FarmVille Thanksgiving Animals: Silkie Chicken & Autumn Cow


In a late update this evening, Zynga has added two new Thanksgiving animals to FarmVille. The animals come in the form of Silkie Chicken, and the Autumn Cow, which we brought you a sneak peek of last week.

To start, the Silkie Chicken, which is definitely one of the cutest animals we've seen released in the game, goes for 20 Farm Cash. It can be harvested every day for 64 coins, and we're assuming it can be placed inside your Chicken Coop to add a bit of feathery fluff to the building.

Next, the Autumn Cow goes for 22 Farm Cash. It also can be harvested everyday, and can be placed inside your Dairy Barn, where it can produce an Autumn Calf (with a matching brown leaf pattern on its body), so long as the Autumn Cow is placed inside a Dairy Barn that also contains a Bull.

Both of these items will be around for the next 13 days, so be sure to pick up the items you're interested in fast, before the Thanksgiving theme of items says goodbye to the store for another year.

Check out the rest of our Thanksgiving 2010 coverage right here.

Will you purchase either of these premium animals to finish off your Thanksgiving celebration in FarmVille? Let us know in the comments.
