FishVille adds free throws in Aqua Hoops and new fish families

FishVille Aqua Hoops
FishVille Aqua Hoops

Mark this one on your calendars, folks. Zynga has actually listened to players and made two big changes based directly off of player feedback. A short time ago, FishVille added an Aqua Hoops game to celebrate its one year anniversary. We wrote about the new mini-game, saying that Zynga had dropped the ball with this feature, which was nothing but a disguised slot machine. Today, FishVille has added an "Ask for Throws" button on the Aqua Hoops interface that allows you to post to your wall to get free throws for friends. Previously, each throw would cost you Sand Dollars, and players had reported that they have spent 70+ Sand Dollars without getting a reward. This will now allow players to play Aqua Hoops for free and have their chance now and then at hitting the jackpot without paying. We're interested to hear if players ever actually win the jackpot though...

In another new feature, three new fish families were added to Fish Mastery. This is yet another feature that players begged for after Aqua Hoops came out. The new fish families are Triggers, Dottybacks, and Angels, each with four fish in each family.

What do you think of these new changes? Are you happy that Zynga listened to players?
