Zynga Poker Vegas Giveaway: Buy chips for a chance to win

Zynga Poker Vegas Giveaway
Zynga Poker Vegas Giveaway

It's the dream of every dedicated poker fan, isn't it? A chance to walk down The Strip, walk into any given casino and come out a winner. Well, that isn't guaranteed, but Zynga can at least guarantee you a chance to get there in the Vegas Giveaway Contest in Zynga Poker. As of right now, buying any amount of chips gets you three times the amount than normal and automatically enters you in the contest. Getting to Vegas is nice and all, but what's included?

How about a two-night stay for four in a Fantasy Suite at the Palms Resort? If thats' not enough, Zynga is also flying the winners there, carting them around in a limo, feeding them dinner at Simon and tossing them four tickets to a show. (It's not explained which show exactly, but don't assume this is a show of your choice.) Oh yeah, and the contest is only going on for one day, today. So, you might want to pick up some chips even if you don't play Zynga Poker just for the chance to win.

And don't forget, we here at Games.com is also giving away a five-day trip to Las Vegas for playing some Games.com Poker through Dec. 15. Why not play both and double your chances at finally stepping foot in Sin City?

Will you be entering the Vegas Giveaway by Zynga? How about the trip being offered by Games.com? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
