Master Jobs in YoVille for PetVille Phoenix prize


Zynga has launched a new cross-promotional feature between two of their titles: PetVille and YoVille. This new offer will see users being given a rare (and downright adorable) Phoenix item in PetVille for mastering any two jobs over in YoVille.

You'll see this new offer presented when you log into PetVille, represented by a popup like the one seen at the top of this post (you'll also be told about the offer in YoVille through a similar pop-up). After that, you'll need to click on the appropriate button to head into YoVille, where you can complete and master any two jobs as normal. For a complete guide on what to expect from the Job feature in YoVille - for those that may have never tackled this feature before - check out our in-depth coverage.

If you've never tried Jobs in YoVille before, it's a fairly easy, albeit a bit time-consuming setup. Our suggestion would be to enter into the "Party Entertainer" track, and master the two jobs at the top of the list. Each of them will ask you to find five party hats at a party by clicking on, and waiting for an animation with each of the NPCs you'll find at the party. If you don't have enough energy to fulfill the mastery on both jobs, either use the energy drinks you'll undoubtedly find, or just wait enough time for your Energy to refill naturally and continue.

Once you master two jobs, you'll be given your Phoenix back in PetVille. That wasn't so hard, was it? There's no telling whether or not this cross-promotion will only be available for a limited time, so your best bet is to complete the jobs now to earn your Phoenix decoration as quickly as possible in PetVille.

Let us know what you think of this activity in the comments. Will you complete Jobs in YoVille in order to earn a free item for your pet in PetVille?
