FrontierVille Thanksgiving Collection: Collect items to earn a Turkey Fryer


Along with the Thanksgiving Missions released in FrontierVille this evening, you can also collect a series of Thanksgiving-themed collectibles, that can be traded in for a very special themed prize.

The five collectibles are the Blunderbuss, the Hand Turkey (a puppet), the Mayflower (a replica of the boat), a Pilgrim Hat, and the Plymouth Rock. You can find an image of all of these items at the top of this post.

These five items can presumably be earned by finishing the various steps required for the aforementioned Thanksgiving missions, but as we find out more concrete details, we'll be sure to bring them your way. Either way, once you've collected all five of the items, you can trade them in for an exclusive Turkey Fryer (not pictured).

Check out the rest of our Thanksgiving 2010 coverage right here.

What do you think of this Thanksgiving Collection in FrontierVille? Will you save the separate items, or will you actually trade them in for the Turkey Fryer prize? Let us know in the comments.
