Free Thanksgiving Recipes Coobook From Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart's Thanksgiving Hotline Recipes cookbook
Martha Stewart's Thanksgiving Hotline Recipes cookbook

Download all five chapters of Martha Stewart's Thanksgiving Hotline Recipes cookbook for free, courtesy of Sirius Satellite Radio. Each chapter covers a different part of the meal, including soups and starters; sides and salads; turkeys & entrees; desserts; and wine, liquor & entertaining.

Sirius, where Martha Stewart has a radio show, also has a Thanksgiving meal hot line to deal with turkey disasters and stuffing blunders. The number is 866-675-6675. There will be a rotating line of celebrity chefs such as Martha Stewart and Wolfgang Puck answering questions from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Nov. 22 through Nov. 24, 2010.

Check back later today and through the week for more great deals at WalletPop.
