New FarmVille Animals: Harvest Horse & Silver Turkey


It's that time folks - Zynga has officially kicked off the Thanksgiving celebration in FarmVille, and they've started with this set of two two, limited edition animals.

The first is a Harvest Horse, available to purchase for 26 Farm Cash. It is decorated with a lovely wreath of sorts, and is one of the prettiest horses we've seen released in the game to date. It can be harvested from every 3 days.

The Silver Turkey costs a bit less, at 18 Farm Cash, and takes one less day to harvest, allowing you to collect from it at a rate of every two days. While this is a lovely new turkey, that would look great in its own special reserved spot on your farm, we're sure the other Turkeys in your Turkey Roost would love the company of this new fella as well.

As of this writing, the Harvest Horse has a time limit of 16 days, while the Silver Turkey will be around for 19. You've still got plenty of time to save up the Farm Cash necessary to purchase either animal, but keep those dates in mind when you go to shop.

Check out the rest of our Thanksgiving 2010 coverage right here.

What do you think of these two animals? Do you have enough turkeys on your farm now, or are you ready for even more? Let us know in the comments.
