Madden NFL Superstars: Card Pack Promo, Friend Invite 2.0 and more in recent update

Friend Invite 2.0
Friend Invite 2.0

Filling out those precious Collections just got that much easier thanks to the most recent update to Madden NFL Superstars. For a limited time, Playfish is handing out free Gold Card Packs for every Ultimate or Platinum Pack purchased with Playfish Cash. Also included in the update are the new Players of the Week: a 99-rated quarterback Michael Vick--who brought insane game to the field this Monday evening, might I add--and Dwayne Bowe, a 93-rated wide receiver. Remember, Players of the Week are only found in Ultimate and Platinum packs, but that deal should make spending the dough a little more appealing.

Better yet, 16 new Achievements have been added to the game like the cleverly named "For the Hoard," which requires you to put 100 Cards into your Collection. An example of one of the more challenging Achievements, "Lucky Guess" asks you to predict 70 percent of the NFL game results correctly in a single week.

In an effort to get more eyes on Madden, a new friend promotion has been introduced, rewarding referred players with a free, 72-rated Drew Brees Card to get them started. With this promotion comes a new featured that causes the friends page to appear as a pop up rather than close the game and open a new page entirely, which every game should bite off of.

What new feature or promotion will you be taking advantage of first? What else would you like to see change in the game? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
