FrontierVille's Cute Teddy Bear is for e-mailers only


Cute Teddy Bear
Cute Teddy Bear

Zynga is set to launch yet another e-mail initiative in FrontierVille with the Cute Teddy Bear item. Players who sign up for e-mails from Zynga regarding FrontierVille game updates like requests and content releases will get this exclusive item. Included in those updates is a daily Food gift that has a random chance of being one of everything from a Light Snack to a Seven-Course Feast.

However, it's understandable that players would be more wary of sharing their e-mail with Zynga these days--it is facing a class-action lawsuit after the recent Facebook security breach. This isn't the first time Zynga has offered free gifts in its games for access to our e-mail. Previous e-mail Gifts in FrontierVille have included the Tree House and the free unlocking of Horses, according to FrontierVille Info. While that teddy bear sure is adorable, it's up to you whether it's cute enough to share your e-mail address.

[Source: FrontierVille Info]

Would you share your e-mail address for the Cute Teddy Bear item? What are your thoughts on sharing e-mail with social games? Les us know in the comments. Add Comment.
