FarmVille's Agricultural Alchemy theme debuts in the marketplace


Less than 24 hours after being shown a teaser video for the newest theme in FarmVille, that being Agricultural Alchemy, we have already been given the first round release of items in this new theme in the game's store.

This (presumably first of many) release sees the addition of the full trio of expected items: Animals, Buildings and Decorations. In this case, the newest animal in the game is the Griffin, which is available to purchase for 40 Farm Cash. This mythical creature can be harvested from every 2 days, and remember, as a Farm Cash item, you can send one to a friend as a gift if you feel so inclined.

Meanwhile, the theme's new building is the Wizard's Lab, also a Farm Cash item, available for 36 Farm Cash. Finally, there are two new decorative items to go along with this theme, and they are the Sorcerer Pig (a cute pig flying on a floating broom), and the Magic Books shelf. Unfortunately, both of these items are premium as well, with the Sorcerer Pig setting you back 18 Farm Cash to the Magic Books' 10 Farm Cash price tag.

With the upcoming release of the newest Harry Potter film, it only makes sense that Zynga would attempt to cross-promote (even unofficially) to make the most of the film's success with fans who are apparently willing to spend real money on items that remind them of the franchise.

Are you one such fan, that will purchase these magical, mystical items for your farm? Let us know in the comments.

Check out the rest of our Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows coverage.
