FarmVille: Redeem Zynga Game Card, get a free Mystery Dart


Zynga has updated the bonus that is given to FarmVille users who redeem a Zynga Game Card in the game. Now, instead of simply receiving a Mystery Box, users that redeem a Zynga Game Card will now receive a free Mystery Dart, allowing them one free play in that week's Mystery Game, where they have a chance at one of six exclusive items (animals, decorations and the like, that tend to not be available anywhere else - that is, you must play the game to get them). These darts tend to cost 16 Farm Cash each, depending on the Mystery Game's price during a particular week.

As of this writing, the feature doesn't have an expiration date, but we'll update you with one (if there is one) as soon as we know more.

What's interesting is that Zynga hasn't created a new item exclusive to these gift cards. It would make sense that users would spend more money buying game cards if they were actually guaranteed an item that they could only receive through purchasing said card - at least I know that would tempt my wallet more.

Perhaps you guys are different, though - let us know your thoughts on this new "free-with-purchase" prize in the comments. Will you head out to your local Gamestop or 7-Eleven (among other retailers) to purchase a Zynga Game Card now that you'll receive a Mystery Dart? Let us know!
