FishVille releases underwater Turkey Day items

Thanksgiving in FishVille
Thanksgiving in FishVille

You didn't think that fish would skip celebrating Thanksgiving did you? Well, you were right! FishVille has just released a small collection of new items for the Thanksgiving holiday and they will all be available until Turkey Day is over and we're all stuffed full of delicious dinner.

The items aren't particularly spectacular, and FishVille are expecting players to spend Sand Dollars on these rather mediocre items. Aside from a tank background and gravel, we're not too impressed with the selection. There is a Sheath of Wheat available for 5 Sand Dollars, which is kind of an odd decoration to have under the water. There is also a Corn Cob for 4 Sand Dollars and a Stuck Arrow for 2 Sand Dollars that is supposed to look like it is stabbing into something. We're not sure why that embodies Thanksgiving, but we'll take it. Lastly, there is a Plymouth Rock which is the only item available for coins - but it will cost you 12,000 of them if you want to own it in your fish tank.

Will you be celebrating Thanksgiving in FishVille this year? Which items will you be buying?

Find more stories on our 2010 Thanksgiving Guide for FarmVille, Mafia Wars & more.
