GILD Gives Generation Y Job Hunters the Edge


GILD is a professional social network that gives Generation Y or the twentysomethings an edge.

That's because GILD provides new entries to the work world or those with a few years' experience ways they can stand out. Most of them haven't had the time to establish a professional network -- the all-important contacts that can lead to good jobs. So, have not had the or thoseGILD allows newbies to strut their stuff, particularly in technical skills.

Started last summer in association with PAC Labs, GILD lists jobs from 24 companies, ranging from Oracle to eBay. Job seekers can gain a distinct advantage, by solving puzzles. That ability showcases exactly the skills wanted by employers with help-wanted notices on GILD. In addition, applicants for jobs can take, right on the site, certification tests that result in being being awarded badges indicating expertise level.

Applicants for each job are listed on GILD in descending order. At the top are those who were the best puzzle-solvers and achieved advanced certifications. Employers pay attention to how GILD ranks. And GILD is totally transparent about how it is presenting job candidates to employers.

In a smart tactic to keep members on the site, company-sponsored contests are also featured. Those who play won't win a job, but they can get some cool prizes such as a weekend vacation or a WiFi iPad. For more information, check out the GILD site.
