Daily Blogwatch: The Myth of Record-High Gold


Some of the best stories for investors from around the Web:

The myth of record-high gold prices.

Tim Sykes responds furiously to my "Eight reasons not to day trade."

Eight explanations for the mysterious California missile launch.

In the quest for yield, every little bit helps: here are 21 utilities yielding more than 4.5%. I'd further filter those to the ones that have persistently raised dividends.

John Reese details how he's made 15% per year since 2003 by really trading like Ben Graham.

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Ken Fisher thinks the election results are very bullish for stocks.

Unbelievable that people are still falling for this scam. All the colleges that cost more than $50,000 per year.

I'm going to India in January. Here's what I've been told not to do. By the way, if any readers are there, let's get together.
