City of Wonder: "Like" a post and get a Forge!
Playdom launched a new fan-interaction element in City of Wonder today, asking users to visit the game's official Facebook fan page and "Like" a very particular post on the wall.
The wall post, as of this writing, can be found at the very top of the game's fan page, but here's a link for direct access. Starting today and ending on November 18, if 20,000 different Facebook users "Like" that post, then all users will receive a free Forge item.
The Forge is a military item, adding 38 Attack and 16 Defense points to your village. It normally costs 14,000 coins to build, along with requiring you to have researched Bronze Work, but one can be yours for free, if you simply help Playdom reach their required number of 20,000.
With a week to accomplish the task, we're sure that the Forge will be given away without trouble, but if you want to help ensure that that's the case, make sure to Like the post on your own account.
[Image Credit: Playdom]
Have you liked the City of Wonder post to receive a free Forge? What other items would you like Playdom to give away in contests? Let us know in the comments.