coupon for 70% off

Couple in a restaurant
Couple in a restaurant coupon

code MEAL will get you a $25 gift certificate to your choice of thousands of restaurants for $3. The $25 certs normally sell for $10. The deal expires Nov. 8, 2010. Unclear if the coupon code is case sensitive. Make sure to enter the coupon code while checking out to get the discount.

The coupon also works on's dinner of the month club and its $25 gift cards. If you buy five gift cards, a sixth one will show up in your cart for free. When I have used's gift certificates, they have saved me 25-40% off my total bill. Not too shabby!

Caveats: a few of the gift certificates start at $15, not $10. One certificate per table. You have to buy food above and beyond the certificate (generally $35 to $50). Alcohol, tax, and tip do not count toward the total except in rare instances.

Check back later today and through the week for more great deals at WalletPop.
