FarmVille Country Fair buildings and decorations now available


In addition to the new animal and tree available in the equally new Country Fair theme in FarmVille, tonight's game update also saw the release of two new buildings and four new decorations in the store.

The items here are the basics of what you'll need to put together your very own Country Fair or carnival on your farm. The two buildings are the Carnival Tent and the Ticket Booth. What goes on inside the Carnival Tent can be left to your imagination. Is it an animal show? A petting zoo? That's all up to you, but you can add one to your farm for 120,000 coins. Likewise, the Ticket Booth is also a coin-based item, costing just 40,000 coins.

As for the new decorations, you can now pick up the Pirate Boat Ride that we gave you a sneak peek of earlier this week, along with a Dunk Tank and Balloon Stand, both of which are available for coins. Surprisingly, the only two items available for Farm Cash are the Free Fall Ride, and the aforementioned Pirate Boat Ride, which cost 50 and 25 Farm Cash, respectively.

We'll be sure to let you know when and if this theme continues to grow in the future, so check back with us then!

What do you think of these new Country Fair items? What other items would you like to see released in this theme? Let us know in the comments.
