S.F. to McDonald's: No Happy Meal toys in the city unless certain nutritional guidelines met

Happy Meal outside McDonald's
Happy Meal outside McDonald's

San Francisco's Board of Supervisors today passed a controversial proposal that would ban toys and other marketing incentives from children's food -- like McDonald's Happy Meals -- unless those meals met the city's nutritional guidelines that limit fat, salt, sugar and calorie content.

In a statement before the vote, city Supervisor Bevan Dufty said lawmakers have a duty to provide nutritional food and make restaurants and companies more conscious of nutrition in their menus.

"If you have to put a Shrek doll with a pack of carrots, that is what you have to do," he said. Dufty's vote was widely considered to be the swing vote that safeguards against a promised veto by Mayor Gavin Newsom who is opposed to the measure.
