Daily Blogwatch: Nine Tips on Innovation from Thomas Edison


Some of the best stories for investors from around the Web:

Great post on entrepreneurship from Michael Arrington of TechCrunch.

Nine great tips on innovation from Thomas Edison. Reading that list makes me want to go read a biography on Edison. The only problem is, I think I've forgotten how to read books.

Wherein my attempt at a kiss was rejected, forcing me to figure out how to shake things up.

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A GREAT read. Two of my favorite bloggers: Jeff Miller (from A Dash of Insight -- a great econo-blog) interviews blogger/trader Charles Kirk of the Kirk Report.

Most of market's gains come from November to April.

Hmm, there seems to be an anti-hygiene kick sweeping America.

The case for gold $10,000. I don't believe it but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

How has the market historically performed on midterm election weeks over the past 100 years.
