Halloween Rental in Witchy Salem, Mass.


From eerie ghost tours to parades to haunted houses, spooky happenings take place every October in Salem, Mass., the site of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. It's a place where tourists flock to bed and breakfasts or rent homes (such as the one pictured left) to relive bewitching history as they celebrate Halloween.

This two-bedroom, 1.5-bath rental house, with 12-inch-wide pumpkin pine floorboards, is a three-minute walk from Town House Square, the site of the Salem Witch Trials.

The Salem Witch Trials resulted in the arrest of hundreds of men and women and the execution by hanging of 19 who were convicted of practicing witchcraft. Another four of the accused died in prison awaiting trial. One man was even pressed to death by stones. More than 300 years later, the trials' chilling aftermath remains in more ways than one.
