Cafe World's Outdoor Halloween decorations turn your cafe into an eerie eatery

Cafe World's Outdoor Halloween decorations turn your cafe into an eerie eatery
Haunted Cafe
Spooky Tree
Ghostly Traveler

Now that you've finished the Ghoulish Feast and saved a ton during the Halloween Sale in Cafe World, it's finally time to turn up the scare factor on that cafe of yours. There's a bunch of frightening outdoor decorations available today that will transform your restaurant into an diner of haunted hors d' oeuvres.

  • Haunted Roof: 45 Cafe Cash

  • Haunted Wall: 2 Cafe Cash

  • Skull Door: 3,000 coins

  • Haunted Window: 2 Cafe Cash

  • Black Pine Tree: 10 Cafe Cash

  • Bat Tree: 12 Cafe Cash

  • Pumpkin Scarecrow: 10 Cafe Cash

  • Ghostly Tree: 5 Cafe Cash

  • Pumpkin Candy Sign: 16 Cafe Cash

  • Ghostly Traveler: 5,000 coins

For a total of 97 Cafe Cash (not including the multiple walls and windows), or about $18, you could turn your cafe into the next Munster house. However, the cost of each piece of wallpaper and window could jump that price up considerably depending on the size of your cafe. But hey, at least you can fill your outdoor area with Ghostly Travelers and a devilish Skull Door for just a few thousand coins.

[Image Credit: Zynga]

Find the rest of our Halloween 2010 coverage right here.

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