Scaring up savings with alternative uses for pumpkins

One of many uses for a pumpkin, make a hat
One of many uses for a pumpkin, make a hat

Bored out of your gourd with all the basics you can do with a pumpkin? The following are budget-stretching alternatives. Not a pie recipe or jack o' lantern in sight.

Doggie laxative: Grate fresh pumpkin. Feed the dog no more than 5 tablespoons twice a day, recommends Don't overdo it, or your pooch will get the the runs. You can also use cooked or canned pumpkin. Make sure the latter is sugar-free and doesn't have synthetic additives that can also upset an animal's stomach. The fiber-rich pumpkin infusion should work within a day for routine constipation. Obviously, if you think a bigger problem is brewing, call the vet.
