Mafia Wars Italy Smart Phone: How to find this elusive gadget

mafia wars italy smart phone
mafia wars italy smart phone

If there's one thing that's likely to stand in your way of making progress in Mafia Wars, it's those darn consumable items required to complete jobs and defeat bosses. Just when you thought you were done with hunting down consumables, Mafia Wars Italy arrives and everyone's been on the hunt for severed pinkies and other new consumables to get the job done.

You'll need Smart Phones to complete a variety of different jobs depending on what path you take. In Mafia Wars Italy Region 4 Milano, you need Smart Phones for the 'Bug A Confessional' or 'Infiltrate A Seven Star Hotel' jobs. In Mafia Wars Italy Region 5 Napoli, you need Smart Phones for the 'Take Out a Troublesome Carabinieri', 'Break Out an Incarcerated Lieutenant', or 'Link the Camorra to The Police'.
