Happy Pets Pet Park feature now offers private chat


Earlier in the month, CrowdStar released the Pet Park feature in Happy Pets, giving the game a truly social aspect, allowing players to take a pet from their home into a communal space occupied by other real world players, where you can live chat with new friends.

This week, they updated the feature to allow for private chatting, via the inclusion of private Premium Rooms. These Premium Rooms can be created by clicking on the yellow plus sign symbol under the rooms tab of the chat menu in the bottom right corner of the Pet Park screen.

From there, you can spend 18 Facebook Credits (the equivalent of $1.80 US) to create your own private chat room. You can choose either a Nighttime, Cherry Blossom or Arctic theme for the room, give it a name and then secure the room with a password, meaning that only those users that know the password will be able to access it. These chat rooms unfortunately come with a time limit of one hour, but you can always create a new room after the current room expires to keep the conversation going.

Not only will these private chat rooms keep users away from the more questionable participants in the Pet Park, but they also increase the chance of digging up items, including premium items that would otherwise cost Facebook Credits to purchase.

Will you take advantage of the new Pet Park Premium Chat Rooms? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments. Add comment
