FrontierVille horrors: Headless Horseman rides away, game suffers massive slowdown

frontierville headless horseman gallops away -- will he be back?
frontierville headless horseman gallops away -- will he be back?

FrontierVille folks are in a tizzy because the Headless Horseman seems to have ridden off into the night and no one has spotted this creature on their Homestead -- or neighbors' Homesteads -- since Friday. In the meantime, FrontierVille has also been experience a serious slowdown, making it nearly impossible to play.

Zynga hasn't said a word about pulling the Headless Horseman or given any explanation as to why the game keeps crashing, though this could have something to do with the big Facebook outage yesterday. In the meantime, try to find comfort in the fact that you're not experiencing these FrontierVille horrors by your lonesome.

Have you had problems playing FrontierVille? Have you seen the Headless Horseman today? Sound off in the comments below. Add comment.
