Restaurant City Halloween decorations continue with Week of the Living Dead

Restaurant City Week of the Living Dead
Restaurant City Week of the Living Dead

While you were out zapping ghouls and goblins into oblivion, Playfish added a plethora of new Halloween decorations to Restaurant City in what the studio calls the Week of the Living Dead. Aside from the awesome Lab Arcade Machine that nets you 200 coins every four hours, there are a few essentials to turn your eatery into a true zombie breakout zone.

First, you'll need the Mad Scientist (8 Playfish Cash), his Lab Equipment (10 Playfish Cash), Operating Table (12 Playfish Cash) and Lab Power Generator (10 Playfish Cash) if you want to create the zombie plague. But what would a zombie invasion be without celebrity zombies (you've all seen the recent Dawn of the Dead, right?) like Justin Brie for 10 Playfish Cash? When things get ugly, you'll want some serious wheels like the Zombie Defense Tank for 12,000 coins to truck through the legions of Zombie Nurses (10,000 coins) and Undead Cops (14,000 coins). But that's not even the half of it. Check out the Playfish Blog for a full list of the new decorations.

Find the rest of our Halloween 2010 coverage on FarmVille, Mafia Wars and more right here.

What ghoulish items will you be adding to your Restaurant? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
