Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook will never make games

Mark Zuckerberg and Mark Pincus
Mark Zuckerberg and Mark Pincus

Let the speculation cease. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (pictured right with Zynga CEO Mark Pincus) said today in a press conference that his company will never make games, Venture Beat reports. The conference was surrounding sFund, a new, $250 million strong venture capital fund backed by Facebook, Zynga and a handful of other wealthy companies to help get social media and gaming start ups off the ground.

This news doesn't come as much of a surprise considering how much Facebook must be raking in through Facebook Credits, which is something that would be in its best interest not to mess up. Not to mention the recent efforts made to make Facebook a better place for games (define better). Zuckerberg's statement essentially solidifies his company's position in the grand scheme of social gaming: a platform.

It makes sense for Facebook to play nice with its developers like Zynga, Playfish and CrowdStar who have all been forced in one way or another to take on the currency. If there's one thing Facebook doesn't want to do in this situation, it's to ruffle their feathers anymore than it already might have. Who knows, once those five-year deals are through Facebook Credits could be the only currency available in your favorite games--all thecool kids are doing it.

[Image Credit: Business Insider]

How do you think this will affect Facebook's relationship with social game developers? Do you think this is the best move for Facebook? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
