Pet Society to introduce Playfish Cash conversion method for coins Oct. 21

Convert Playfish Cash to Coins
Convert Playfish Cash to Coins

In a recent post to the Pet Society Facebook page, Playfish announced that the way players will find coins in the game is changing this Thursday, Oct. 21. You'll no longer be able to buy coins directly with your credit card, PayPal account or other methods, but soon you will have to convert existing Playfish Cash into coins at a specific rate:

  • 5 Playfish Cash = 750 coins

  • 10 Playfish Cash = 1500 coins

  • 30 Playfish Cash = 4500 coins

Fortunately, all the old-fashioned ways of collecting coins like visiting friends, selling items back to the store and spinning the Daily Lottery Wheel aren't going anywhere. While it seems that Playfish is trying to simplify things, you currently can only buy Playfish Cash in packages of 55 for $10 and up. While you could always pay via Facebook Credits to get smaller packages of Playfish Cash, that's even further from a direct purchase than before. But we like to look on thecheaper brighter side of life.

Our best guess as to why Playfish is making the switch is simply to get players buying more packages of Playfish Cash than simply coins, which could in turn lead to more items and boosts bought with your leftover virtual dollars. Pretty sneaky, sis.

What do you think of the new way to buy coins in Pet Society? Would you rather be able to buy them directly or does this change not affect you? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
