Rumor: Intel ogling Open Feint, looking to invest in social gaming


According to speculation by Business Insider, Intel's mysterious investment in mobile gaming announced today will be in Aurora Feint's Open Feint platform. Home to popular mobile games like Pocket God and Mega Jump, the platform allows for social media integration for free in games on mobile devices that otherwise wouldn't have access.

It's unsure as to why Intel, one of the world's largest computer processor manufacturers, would even bother investing in a gaming company, but they have been making strange acquisitions recently like McAfee Internet Security. Our best guess is that Intel wants to create games specifically tuned to the devices which the company plans will hold their processors and other products, but maybe that's wishful thinking. Business Insider claims that if the buy does go down, it won't be too mind-blowing considering 20 percent of the company is owned by Japanese social game guru DeNa. We just pray that this isn't an effort to create brand loyalty through mobile social gaming, because honestly, how many CPUs does the average person buy annually? (It's been four years over here.)

What do you think Intel injecting money into Open Feint could mean. And why is Intel bothering with mobile social games anyway? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
